Enlightening and Inspiring Generations with Generations of Ideas
305 Marquette Street, LaSalle, IL 61301
Frequently Requested Policies
Below is a sample of frequently requested library policies. For a full list of library policies, please see the link at the top of this page.
HotSpot Policy
Wi-Fi Hotspot Lending Policy
Adopted by LaSalle Public Library Board of Trustees
February 28th, 2018
Revised: December 4th, 2019
The LaSalle Public Library lends Wi-Fi Hotspots to LaSalle Public Library cardholders ages 18 years old or above, in good standing (no fines or overdue items and no history of a delinquent account.) Since the Wi-Fi Hotspot benefits the whole household, ALL members of a household must have cards in good standing (no fines or overdue items and no history of a delinquent account) in order to be eligible to check-out a Wi-Fi hotspot.
New card holders must establish a borrowing for 3 consecutive months with at least 3 checkouts. If an individual has had a Library card from another PrairieCat Library or Illinois Library, the former Library will be contacted to see if the patron is in good standing and has an established borrowing record.
Hotspots' checkout is limited to one per household for a period of 7 days, and it cannot be renewed or reserved. Hotspots are available at the Adult Services Circulation Desk on a first-come, first-served basis from the time of opening until one hour before the Library closes. The Library reserves the right to refuse service to patrons who abuse equipment or who are repeatedly late in returning materials. The Library is not responsible for any liability, damages or expense resulting from use or misuse of the device, connection of the device to other electronic devices, or data lost resulting from use of device.
I understand I must present my Library card and photo identification to the Adult Circulation Desk.
Once a hotspot is checked out to me, it becomes my responsibility. Any changes in condition or content while in my care will be my responsibility. I am responsible for damage, loss, or theft. I should have a basic working knowledge of the device on checkout. If any technical problems are encountered, I should return the device immediately to the Adult Services Circulation Desk.
I understand devices must be returned to the Adult Services Circulation Desk at least one (1) hour before the Library closes, and should never be returned in the book drop or to another Library. Devices returned in the book drop will result in a $75 fine. The hotspot will be examined to ensure it has not been tampered with. If damage to the device is discovered by Library staff, appropriate costs will be added to my account. If the device needs to be replaced, patron will be charged the full replacement cost (as of December 2019, that replacement cost is $75 but this may be subject to change based on pricing from the Wi-Fi Hotspot vendor). A returned hotspot must remain available in the Library for 48 hours before I or someone in my household may check it out again.
I understand and I agree that an overdue charge of $10 per day up to the full replacement cost of $75 will be charged for a hotspot that is not returned. I further understand and agree that I am responsible for full replacement cost if the device or any parts are lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise not returned. If I fail to pay the replacement cost for a lost device, my borrowing privileges at the library will be canceled. If devices are not returned in a timely manner, civil and criminal action will be taken. Three (3) late returns for any device checkout will result in being permanently banned from borrowing all devices.
Internet Use
LaSalle Public Library is not responsible for any information accessed or action taken by a patron while using a Wi-Fi Hotspot. Hotspot users are encouraged to use safe Internet practices. Using the hotspot to access any online content determined to be illegal or obscene according to federal, state, or municipal law will result in revocation of hotspot borrowing privileges and potentially criminal prosecution.
Computer Use Policy
Use of Public Computers Policy
Adopted by LaSalle Public Library Board of Trustees
August 26, 1998
Revised: Feb. 28, 2001, Mar. 27, 2002, Jan. 28, 2004
Policy: The LaSalle Public Library welcomes the use of computers by its patrons and provides the following guidelines for their comfort and convenience.
Eligibility: Adults or minors over the age of 12 may use the equipment unattended. Children under the age of 12 who wish to use the library's computers must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Users must produce their valid LaSalle Public Library card and/or other proper identification. The library card and/or other identification will be held at the circulation desk until the user signs-out. Those individuals holding a LaSalle Public Library card must be in good standing with the library before they can use the computers.
Use of Public Computers: All individuals using the computers must sign-in and sign-out at the circulation desk. One piece of software may be checked out at a time for in building use only.
Individual computers may be used by no more than two persons at a time.
Users are expected to have adequate knowledge of hardware and software to enable them to work with minimal assistance of library staff. Users are expected to operate equipment in a proper manner, and with respect for others' rights to privacy and quiet concentration.
Users are responsible for any damage to computer hardware or software due to carelessness or misuse of the equipment. This includes repair or replacement of damaged items.
The library reserves the right to terminate an individual's use of the computer for any reason, including disruptive or destructive behavior.
Scheduling: Reservations for the computers may be made via the telephone or on a walk-in first-come-first-serve basis.
Computers may be reserved in half-hour increments. If no patrons are waiting to use the computer additional slots of half-hour increments may be scheduled. If users are late for their reserved time slot, the equipment will not be held after the scheduled time. Rather it will be released to any waiting patrons. Staff may limit computer usage to 3 hours per day at their discretion.
The Express Station may be used for 15 minute intervals to complete quick searches.
Fees: Patrons may use the computers free of charge; however printing fees will be assessed at the following rates:
users will be charged a minimum of 15 cents per sheet for black and white copies
users will be charged a minimum of 25 cents per sheet for color copies
Copy fees are subject to change at the discretion of the Board of Trustees of the LaSalle Public Library.
Use of Personal Software and Other Copyright Concerns: Users may bring in their own personal software or diskettes. However, all software and diskettes must be registered at the circulation desk when signing-in. Staff will perform a virus scan on all personal software. Staff reserve the right to disallow use of personal software at their discretion.
Users are prohibited from violating the security system, or any destruction of, damage to, or unauthorized alteration of the library's computer equipment and/or software. Users are also prohibited from unauthorized duplication of copy-protected software or violation of software license agreements.
The Library reserves the right to delete files saved on the hard drive periodically.
Other: Library staff is solely responsible for the maintenance of computer equipment. If the equipment is damaged, out of paper or ink, or otherwise not functioning properly, users should immediately report the problem to a staff member at the circulation desk. This will help minimize the time the equipment may need to be out of service.
The Library assumes no responsibility for damages, direct or indirect, arising from the use of its computer. The Library is not responsible for users' loss of data.
Compliance with Policy: Use of library computer equipment assumes knowledge and acceptance of the library policies stated above. Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in the elimination of library privileges as outlined in the policy entitled Patron Conduct, (Breach of Policy section).
These rules may be supplemented, altered, added to or changed by the LaSalle Public Library Board of Trustees at its discretion.
Meeting Room Policy
Meeting Room Policy
Adopted by LaSalle Public Library Board of Trustees
September 24, 2003
The policies governing the use of the meeting rooms of the LaSalle Public Library are in accordance with Article 6 of the Library Bill of Rights which states that "as an institution of education for democratic living, the library should welcome the use of its meeting rooms for socially useful and cultural activities and discussion of current public questions. Such meeting places should be available on equal terms to all groups in the community regardless of the beliefs and affiliations of their members, provided that the meetings be open to the public".
It is understood that the meetings will be held for the purpose of educational, civic or cultural programming, public information and other purposes, which contribute to the growth and welfare of the residents of the Library District.
Use of the meeting room will require approval of the Library Director and will be subject to the rules and regulations developed and approved by the Library Board of Trustees.
All organizations that use the Meeting Room must comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, and are responsible for providing qualified interpreters or auxiliary aids upon request.
Meeting of groups of individuals less than eighteen (18) years of age must be attended by an adult sponsor who will be responsible for conformance with this policy.
Attendance should not exceed 60 adults seated theater style or 120 kids seated on the floor as per fire code regulations.
The use of the Library Meeting Room will be given priority in scheduling as follows:
Library sponsored programs and meetings such as lectures, exhibits, music programs, seminars, film presentations, special Youth Services/Outreach events, etc.
Educational, cultural, civic and public information events of organizations within the Library District.
Meetings of official agencies, committees and board of governmental bodies located within the Library District.
Other meetings, which are appropriate to the missions and facilities of the Library with the approval of the Library Director.
Meetings must be open to the public.
Groups using the meeting room may not charge admission fees.
The meeting room is not available for commercial or business purposes, political meetings, religious gatherings and other programs, which by their nature are not suitable for the library’s facilities.
Meetings, which would interfere with the functions of the Library or its users because of noise or other reasons, will not be permitted.
Meetings involving the use of hazardous materials are not permitted. No candles or use of any incendiary items are permitted.
Use of the Meeting Room does not constitute Library endorsement of the viewpoints expressed by the persons holding the meeting. No advertising or announcements implying an endorsement will be permitted.
The name, address, or telephone number of the LaSalle Public Library may not be used by any group as their address or headquarters.
Alcohol, smoking, or illegal drugs are not permissible in the building or on the Library grounds.
Meetings will be limited to two per month per organization.
Minors may use the meeting room only under the direct and constant supervision of adults, who will assume full responsibility. There must be at least one adult for every 15 minors at non-library related functions.
The library reserves the right to limit groups to one meeting per month depending on demand as use of the meeting room increases​
Organizations using the Meeting Room are responsible for reimbursing the Library for any damage that occurs to the library equipment, carpeting, furniture or premises due to the organization’s use of the room.
If clean up of the Meeting Room requires an extraordinary amount of time and effort, a custodial charge of $20.00 per hour will be charged to the group.
Permission to use the Meeting Room will be withheld from groups damaging the room, carpet, equipment, furniture or any other failure to comply with the rules and regulations.
Use of the Meeting Room includes Kitchen privileges.
Refreshments may be served in the Meeting Room. Each group is required to furnish their own refreshments and supplies.
The kitchen shall be used to prepare coffee and dessert type refreshments only. Major food preparation is not permitted; food prepared off-site may be served with prior approval of the Library Director.
Only equipment pre-approved by the Library Director may be used in the Meeting Room.
The Library will not provide storage space for equipment or supplies for groups.
Groups using the meeting rooms are responsible for setting-up the room to their requirements and restoring the configuration to it original purpose.
The Library will not supply personnel to help with meetings or programs, to carry supplies or materials to the meeting rooms, to operate equipment or to help arrange exhibits.
The meeting room is only available during regular library hours. The meeting room must be vacated 15 minutes prior to the closing of the library unless you have obtained express consent of the Library Director. Violation of meeting room hours will result in loss of meeting room privileges for one month.
The Meeting Room is available only on regular Library business days.
The Library closes with the LaSalle Public Schools because of inclement weather. The Library is not required to let groups know of weather closings.
If the Library closes due to weather it is the responsibility of the group holding the meeting to inform members and make other arrangements.
Reservations for the use of the Meeting Room must be made on the attached form (Appendix A).
All reservations must be approved by the Library Director. An application does not guarantee approval. Applications will be approved on a first-come, first-served basis.
The Library is not responsible for losses incurred by a group due to cancellation of its meeting by the Library.
This policy is part of the library’s overall policy structure and should be interpreted in conjunction with other existing policies. Copies of all library policies are available upon request from a Library staff member.
These rules may be supplemented, altered, added to or changed by the LaSalle Public Library Board of Trustees at its discretion.
Library Card Policy
Library Card Eligibility Policy
Adopted by LaSalle Public Library Board of Trustees
December 6, 2000
Revised: February 27, 2002, May 25, 2011
City of LaSalle Resident Borrower's Card: The LaSalle Public Library is a tax supported city public library. Individuals residing within the jurisdictional boundaries of the LaSalle Public Library pay taxes to support the library and pay no fee to receive their first library card. Library cards are renewed every two years without additional fees provided the library card holder continues to reside within the jurisdictional boundaries of the LaSalle Pubic Library, and is a patron in good standing.
Non-resident Borrower's Card: In accordance with PL 92-0166, the LaSalle Pubic Library will participate in the non-resident card program and the fee for this card shall be determined using the General Mathematical Formula as outlined in this law. Individuals residing beyond the jurisdictional boundaries of the LaSalle Public Library, and not within the boundaries of another public library, and owning to property within the jurisdictional boundaries of the LaSalle Public Library may qualify for this card if the LaSalle Public Library is the closest public library to the individual's principal residence within the high school district in which the individual lives. If another public library is closer to the individual's principal residence but does not participate in the program provided for in the law, the LaSalle Public Library may issue a non-resident card in accordance with the rules set forth to interpret the law. This card entitles the individual to use the LaSalle Public Library and reciprocally borrow material at other participating libraries for a period of one year. Non-resident cards must be renewed and the non-resident fee must be paid on an annual basis. Individuals holding a LaSalle Public Library non-resident card are entitled to full library service.
If you reside beyond the jurisdictional boundaries of the LaSalle Public Library, but own property within the jurisdictional boundaries of the LaSalle Public Library, upon presentation of a tax bill bearing your name, you may have one library card for the exclusive use of the individual whose name appears on its face without additional payment as is the case with people who reside within the jurisdictional boundaries of the LaSalle Public Library.
"Local Use Only" library cards will no longer be issued by the LaSalle Public Library.
Special Borrower's Card: Educational institutions and businesses within the jurisdictional boundaries of the LaSalle Public Library are eligible to receive a special borrower's card. The institution or business must designate an individual who is responsible for items checked out on the card. The library card entitles the institution or business to use the LaSalle Public Library, but not neighboring libraries for the period of one year. Special borrower's cards may be renewed for a period of one year as long as the institution or business is in good standing.
Registration: Adults wishing to register for a borrower's card, renew an expired borrower's card, or replace a lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed borrower's card must bring with them one form of identification that is a photo I.D. and a piece of mail that includes their current address with a post-mark date or billing date within a month of library card registration. These forms of identification include but are not limited to driver's license, utility bills, mail, or voter's registration card. The borrower's card will be sent to the patron via the U.S. mail.
Children 12 and under must have a parent's signature on any initial application for a library card. Children under the age of 16 may use the proof of residency provided by their parent. Children 16 and over may choose to provide their own proof of residency, or use that of their parent.
Reciprocal Borrowing Privileges for Resident Borrower's Cards: As a resident card holder, the borrower identified on the valid borrower's card may physically take his or her library card to another Heritage Trail Library System or Illinois public library to borrow materials. Those materials are the responsibility of the individual who borrows them, and are subject to all of the fines, rules, and regulations of the lending library. Reciprocal borrowing privileges may be limited at the lending library.
Reciprocal Borrowing Privileges for Non-Resident Borrower's Cards: As a non-resident cardholder, the borrower identified on the valid borrower's card may physically take his or her library card to another library participating in the non-resident program to borrow materials. Those materials are the responsibility of the individual who borrows them, and are subject to all of the fines, rules, and regulations of the lending library. Reciprocal borrowing privileges may be limited at the lending library.
Lost of Damaged Cards: There is a fee of $2.00 to replace damaged, destroyed, lost or stolen library cards.
Relationship to Other Library Policies: This policy is part of the library's overall policy structure and should be interpreted in conjunction with other existing policies. Copies of all library policies are available upon request from a Library staff member.
These rules may be supplemented, altered, added to or changed by the LaSalle Public Library Board of Trustees at its discretion.
Other Documents
Access to additional library documents is provided below.